Apache TinkerPop™ is a graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP). TinkerPop provides a a vendor agnostic graph computing framework and query language distributed under the commercial friendly Apache2 license.
Designed from the ground up to support both transactional and analytical workloads TinkerPop is the most powerful open source graph framework available.
TinkerPop is optimized for common graph use cases such as Social Networks , Knowledge Graphs , Fraud Detection , Recommendation Engines , and many more...
TinkerPop Gremlin is the most complete open source graph query language designed and optimized for high performance graph traversals.
TinkerPop is an open source project that provides a large number of compatible set of tools and drivers and welcomes contributions.
TinkerPop is a community driven project with a vibrant set of contirbutors from around the world.
TinkerPop is the most widely supported open source graph framework with 27+ providers including those from Amazon, Microsoft, Neo4j, Alibaba, ...
Latest Release:
TinkerPop 3.5.0
(Released: 3-May-2021)
1) Start with Tutorials
2) Read the TinkerPop Documentation
3) Learn Gremlin with the free Practical Gremlin book
4) Explore common query patterns in Gremlin Recipes
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- Join the Gremlin-Users mailing list.
TinkerPop is an open source project that welcomes contributions
TinkerPop is a community driven project that seeks contributors dedicated to the art of graph
computing. TinkerPop contributors bring solid theoretical,
development, testing, documentation, etc. skills to the group. These individuals contribute to TinkerPop beyond the
ever-changing requirements of their day-to-day jobs and maintain
responsibility for their contributions through time.